Kimono❖The manners when you go out in Kimono✪How to Japan TV - 錦織圭 マルチ動画検索サイト


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Kimono❖The manners when you go out in Kimono✪How to Japan TV

Kimono❖The manners when you go out in Kimono✪How to Japan TV

In this video, you can learn about the following when you are wearing kimono: These manners help you with going out in kimono!!(This video is an extract of the DVD Kimono,How to dress by yourself.We are allowed to distribute it under the permission of this copyright holder Human Academy Co., Ltd.) Moreover, if you want to know more about how to put on kimono decently,please watch the following DVD. 【DVD】簡単!きものコーディネート Kimono How to dress by yourself(Japanese and English voice and caption)❖Produce❖Human Academy❖Content❖Beginning1.Before putting on kimonoThe name of each part of kimonoThings to prepare2.Dress "kimono" by yourselfPut on nagaiyubanPut on kimonNagoya obi, Ichijyu-daiko_hukuroobi Nijyu-daiko_tsunodashi 3.Dress "yukata" by yourselfPut on yukataHanhaba obi, bunkoHanhaba obi, kainokuchi4.How to fold kimono5.Dressing depending on TPO6.Colors of the seasons7. Manners of kimonoHow to stand decentlyTable mannersHow to walkHow to go into a restroomHow to go upstairs and downstairsHow to ride in a carHow to sit on a chairHow to pick up somethingWhere to put a cell phone8.If kimono gets out of shape✥Click here to purchase✥
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最新のコメント:the kimono is very pretty!

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